#1 | Balanced parentheses algorithm with tail-call recursion optimisationBalanced parentheses algorithm with tail-call recursion | Free |
#2 | Check if an array is a palindromeCheck if an array is a palindrome | Free |
#3 | Find an unpaired number in an arrayFind an unpaired number in an array | Free |
#4 | Count binary gap size of a number using tail recursionCount binary gap size of a number using tail recursion | Free |
#5 | Find maximum potential profit from an array of stock priceFind maximum potential profit from an array of stock price | Free |
#6 | Fizz Buzz in purely functional immutable ScalaFizz Buzz in purely functional immutable Scala | Free |
#7 | Print a binary tree verticallyPrint a binary tree vertically | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#8 | Check Sudoku boardCheck Sudoku board | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#9 | Merge intervalsMerge intervals | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#10 | Check word in grid (stack-safe)Check word in grid (stack-safe) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#11 | Check word in grid (depth-first search)Check word in grid (depth-first search) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#12 | Median of two sorted arraysMedian of two sorted arrays | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#13 | Find the longest palindrome within a stringFind the longest palindrome within a string | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#14 | Print a binary treePrint a binary tree | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#15 | Count dist intersectionsCount dist intersections | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#16 | Maximum wait at a fuel stationMaximum wait at a fuel station | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#17 | Binary heap (min-heap)Binary heap (min-heap) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#18 | Compute missing rangesCompute missing ranges | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#19 | Find kth largest element in a ListFind kth largest element in a List | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#20 | Find the minimum item in a rotated sorted arrayFind the minimum item in a rotated sorted array | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#21 | Compute the steps to transform an anagram only using swapsCompute the steps to transform an anagram only using swaps | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#22 | Compute minimum number of Fibonacci numbers to reach sumCompute minimum number of Fibonacci numbers to reach sum | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#23 | Fixed Window Rate LimiterFixed Window Rate Limiter | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#24 | Token Bucket Rate LimiterToken Bucket Rate Limiter | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#25 | Leaky Bucket Rate LimiterLeaky Bucket Rate Limiter | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#26 | Least-recently used cache (MRU)Least-recently used cache (MRU) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#27 | Game of LifeGame of Life | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#28 | Find triplets that sum to a target ('3Sum')Find triplets that sum to a target ('3Sum') | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#29 | Reverse Polish Notation calculatorReverse Polish Notation calculator | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#30 | Mars RoverMars Rover | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#31 | Find indices of tuples that sum to a target (Two Sum)Find indices of tuples that sum to a target (Two Sum) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#32 | Sliding Window Rate LimiterSliding Window Rate Limiter | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#33 | Compute modulo of an exponent without exponentiationCompute modulo of an exponent without exponentiation | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#34 | Count pairs of a given expected sumCount pairs of a given expected sum | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#35 | Establish execution order from dependenciesEstablish execution order from dependencies | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#36 | Check a binary tree is balancedCheck a binary tree is balanced | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#37 | Compute keypad possibilitiesCompute keypad possibilities | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#38 | Reverse first n elements of a queueReverse first n elements of a queue | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#39 | Least-recently used cache (LRU)Least-recently used cache (LRU) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#40 | Find height of binary treeFind height of binary tree | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#41 | Check a binary tree is a search treeCheck a binary tree is a search tree | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#42 | Make a binary search tree (Red-Black tree)Make a binary search tree (Red-Black tree) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#43 | Check a directed graph has a routing between two nodes (depth-first search)Check a directed graph has a routing between two nodes | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#44 | Longest common prefix of stringsLongest common prefix of strings | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#45 | Check if a directed graph has cyclesCheck if a directed graph has cycles | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#46 | Pure-functional double linked listPure-functional double linked list | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#47 | Count passing carsCount passing cars | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#48 | Remove duplicates from an unsorted ListRemove duplicates from an unsorted List | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#49 | Make a queue using MapsMake a queue using Maps | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#50 | Make a queue using stacks (Lists in Scala)Make a queue using stacks (Lists in Scala) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#51 | Single-elimination tournament treeSingle-elimination tournament tree | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#52 | Compute the length of longest valid parenthesesCompute the length of longest valid parentheses | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#53 | Binary search in a rotated sorted arrayBinary search in a rotated sorted array | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#54 | Find combinations adding up to N (unique)Find combinations adding up to N (unique) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#55 | Find the index of a substring ('indexOf')Find the index of a substring ('indexOf') | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#56 | Reverse bits of an integerReverse bits of an integer | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#57 | Find k closest elements to a value in a sorted ArrayFind k closest elements to a value in a sorted Array | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#58 | Reshape a matrixReshape a matrix | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#59 | Remove duplicates from a sorted list (Sliding)Remove duplicates from a sorted list (Sliding) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#60 | Remove duplicates from a sorted list (state machine)Remove duplicates from a sorted list (state machine) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#61 | Find combinations adding up to N (non-unique)Find combinations adding up to N (non-unique) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#62 | Compute single-digit sum of digitsCompute single-digit sum of digits | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#63 | Add numbers without using addition (plus sign)Add numbers without using addition (plus sign) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#64 | Tic Tac Toe MinMax solveTic Tac Toe MinMax solve | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#65 | Compute nth row of Pascal's triangleCompute nth row of Pascal's triangle | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#66 | Print Alphabet DiamondPrint Alphabet Diamond | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#67 | Reverse a String's words efficientlyReverse a String's words efficiently | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#68 | Monitor success rate of a process that may failMonitor success rate of a process that may fail | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#69 | QuickSelect Selection Algorithm (kth smallest item/order statistic)QuickSelect Selection Algorithm | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#70 | Rotate a matrix by 90 degrees clockwiseRotate a matrix by 90 degrees | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#71 | Read a matrix as a spiralRead a matrix as a spiral | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#72 | Count number of contiguous countries by colorsCount number of contiguous countries by colors | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#73 | Length of the longest common substringLength of the longest common substring | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#74 | Find minimum missing positive number in a sequenceFind minimum missing positive number in a sequence | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#75 | Binary search a generic ArrayBinary search a generic Array | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#76 | Run-length encoding (RLE) DecoderRun-length encoding (RLE) Decoder | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#77 | Run-length encoding (RLE) EncoderRun-length encoding (RLE) Encoder | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#78 | Find the contiguous slice with the minimum averageFind the contiguous slice with the minimum average | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#79 | Tic Tac Toe board checkTic Tac Toe board check | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#80 | Find the minimum absolute difference of two partitionsFind the minimum absolute difference of two partitions | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#81 | Compute a Roman numeral for an Integer, and vice-versaCompute a Roman numeral for an Integer, and vice-versa | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#82 | Quick Sort sorting algorithm in pure immutable ScalaQuick Sort sorting algorithm in pure immutable Scala | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#83 | Fibonacci in purely functional immutable ScalaFibonacci in purely functional immutable Scala | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#84 | In a range of numbers, count the numbers divisible by a specific integerCount numbers divisible by another | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#85 | Is an Array a permutation?Is an array a permutation? | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#86 | Merge Sort: stack-safe, tail-recursive, in pure immutable Scala, N-wayMerge Sort: stack-safe, tail-recursive | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#87 | Closest pair of coordinates in a 2D planeClosest pair of coordinates in a 2D plane | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#88 | Counting inversions of a sequence (array) using a Merge SortCounting inversions of a sequence | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#89 | Rotate Array right in pure-functional Scala - using an unusual immutable efficient approachRotate Array right in pure-functional Scala | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#90 | Count factors/divisors of an integerCount factors of a number | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#91 | Merge Sort: in pure immutable ScalaMerge Sort: in pure immutable Scala | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#92 | Longest increasing sub-sequence lengthLongest increasing sub-sequence length | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#93 | Matching parentheses algorithm with foldLeft and a state machineMatching parentheses algorithm with a state machine | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#94 | Traverse a tree Breadth-First, immutablyTraverse a tree Breadth-First, immutably | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#95 | Count number of changes (manipulations) needed to make an anagram with an efficient foldLeftCount number of changes for making an anagram | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#96 | Check if a number is a palindromeCheck if a number is a palindrome | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#97 | Compute maximum sum of subarray (Kadane's algorithm)Compute maximum sum of subarray (Kadane's algorithm) | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#98 | Check if a String is a palindromeCheck if a String is a palindrome | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#99 | Find sub-array with the maximum sumFind sub-array with the maximum sum | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |
#100 | Traverse a tree Depth-FirstTraverse a tree Depth-First | Solution: US$3.99Free test cases & hints |