Scala algorithm: Compute keypad possibilities


Algorithm goal

On a classic mobile keypad, a key can produce a different letter based on the number of times it's pressed. Pressing 2 once writes 'a', twice produces 'b', and so forth.

Produce a list of possible letter combinations that can be achieved via key presses, eg '4', '2', can produce 'ga', 'gb', 'gc', 'ha', 'hb', 'hc', 'ia', 'ib', 'ic'.

Test cases in Scala

assert(crossProduct(List.empty[Set[Int]]).toList == List(List.empty))
  crossProduct(List(Set(1, 2, 3), Set(4, 5, 6))).toList == List(
    List(1, 4),
    List(1, 5),
    List(1, 6),
    List(2, 4),
    List(2, 5),
    List(2, 6),
    List(3, 4),
    List(3, 5),
    List(3, 6)
assert(keypadCombinations("7").toSet == Set("p", "q", "r", "s"))
  keypadCombinations("42").toSet ==
    Set("ga", "gb", "gc", "ha", "hb", "hc", "ia", "ib", "ic")
  "No stack overflow when generating a large first combination"

Algorithm in Scala

26 lines of Scala (compatible versions 2.13 & 3.0), showing how concise Scala can be!

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In essence, we need a function that produced a cross product. We choose to use a lazy way to produce this set of combinations, in order to be more memory efficient as any type of 'combination' or 'permutation' typically produces a large set of data.

To produce a cross-product of all the variations in 'crossProduct', we iterate through the list, and for each possibility of a variation, we combine it with the cross-product of the remaining variations using a for-comprehension that is recursive. (this is © from

Lastly, to utilize this generic function, we take a cross product all the possible letters for each input from the keypad, and create a String output from that.

Scala concepts & Hints

  1. For-comprehension

    The for-comprehension is highly important syntatic enhancement in functional programming languages.

    val Multiplier = 10
    val result: List[Int] = for {
      num <- List(1, 2, 3)
      anotherNum <-
        List(num * Multiplier - 1, num * Multiplier, num * Multiplier + 1)
    } yield anotherNum + 1
    assert(result == List(10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32))
  2. Lazy List

    The 'LazyList' type (previously known as 'Stream' in Scala) is used to describe a potentially infinite list that evaluates only when necessary ('lazily').

  3. Pattern Matching

    Pattern matching in Scala lets you quickly identify what you are looking for in a data, and also extract it.

    assert("Hello World".collect {
      case character if Character.isUpperCase(character) => character.toLower
    } == "hw")
  4. Range

    The (1 to n) syntax produces a "Range" which is a representation of a sequence of numbers.

    assert((1 to 5).toString == "Range 1 to 5")
    assert((1 to 5).reverse.toString() == "Range 5 to 1 by -1")
    assert((1 to 5).toList == List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))

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Fully unit-tested, with explanations and relevant concepts; new algorithms published about once a week.

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  5. Make a queue using stacks (Lists in Scala)
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  7. Single-elimination tournament tree
  8. Reverse Polish Notation calculator
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  12. Find minimum missing positive number in a sequence
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  17. Compute keypad possibilities
  18. Matching parentheses algorithm with foldLeft and a state machine
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  21. Remove duplicates from a sorted list (state machine)
  22. Token Bucket Rate Limiter
  23. Check word in grid (stack-safe)
  24. Leaky Bucket Rate Limiter
  25. Merge Sort: stack-safe, tail-recursive, in pure immutable Scala, N-way
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  27. Longest increasing sub-sequence length
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  29. Binary search a generic Array
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  31. Merge Sort: in pure immutable Scala
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  74. Check if a String is a palindrome
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  93. Fixed Window Rate Limiter
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  96. Check Sudoku board
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Explore the 22 most useful Scala concepts

To save you going through various tutorials, we cherry-picked the most useful Scala concepts in a consistent form.

  1. Class Inside Class
  2. Class Inside Def
  3. Collect
  4. Def Inside Def
  5. Drop, Take, dropRight, takeRight
  6. foldLeft and foldRight
  7. For-comprehension
  8. Lazy List
  9. Option Type
  10. Ordering
  11. Partial Function
  12. Pattern Matching
  13. Range
  14. scanLeft and scanRight
  15. Sliding / Sliding Window
  16. Stack Safety
  17. State machine
  18. Tail Recursion
  19. Type Class
  20. Variance
  21. View
  22. Zip

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